
Located on State Road 24 west of Otter Creek in Levy County, the rural settlement of Ellzey is named for Robert M Ellzey, a Methodist circuit rider from South Carolina, who became a religious and community leader in the post Civil War Era.

Early growth in the area came in 1853 when the railroad was built from Fernandina to Cedar Key and pioneers in the Ellzey area cut cord wood and cross ties for the project and an expanded economy included a cedar mill and a turpentine still.

The Methodist Church became the social and religious center of the area and the first “Ellzey Homecoming” held in 1939 became a tradition reuniting hundreds each year. The Ellzey Cemetery established in 1898 is a one mile drive north on the small road that passes the church, and area pioneers are buried there, including several Confederate veterans.

The Ellzey Methodist Church remains active with Sunday School and worship services with members and visitors attending from communities along SR 24 and from neighboring towns such as Cedar Key, Bronson, and Williston.